To have a balanced life, you also need to have balanced thinking. And balanced thinking produces a balanced mind – the fourth letter in PROMISE.

Balanced thinking refers to your ability to look at both sides of a situation while avoiding the temptation to make predictions, assumptions, or jump to conclusions.

Balanced thinking is about recognizing that while it might be hard to acknowledge a particular viewpoint, you don’t immediately think of the worst-case scenario. Nor do you jump to the other side and immediately start thinking too optimistically to the point where it’s an unreasonable conclusion.

Having a balanced mind is about looking at both sides and of a situation and being flexible with your thoughts and beliefs.

How can you do that?

Challenge Your Thoughts

One of the quickest ways to get a more balanced perspective on any situation in your life is to begin by writing down your thoughts and then asking yourself some questions that force you to look at things more rationally and logically.

For example, if you find yourself thinking about something that has not yet happened (i.e., you’re worrying about something in the future), ask yourself,

  • Where is the evidence to support this thought?
  • How likely is it to happen?
  • Is this fact or opinion?
  • Is there any proof that the outcome is going to be disastrous to my life?
  • How much will this matter in one day? One month? One year?


What makes these kinds of questions objective is that they are based on the evidence that you have rather than on the emotions you feel.

When you work on balancing your thinking, it will help you to be more flexible in your outlook on life, leading you to be more balanced overall.

That’s what this week’s video is about.

I hope this tip helps to balance your thinking and leads one step closer to a balanced life.
