No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.

– Buddha

It’s January – the month many of us often use as an opportunity to identify goals, intentions, and resolutions for the next 12 months.

With that in mind, here are a few things to remember as you think about what you’d like to achieve, accomplish, or change in 2024.



1. Redefine what it means to be successful.

Success doesn’t mean the achievement of a particular goal or several goals. Success can be the improvement of a habit (e.g., taking deep breaths more often) or improving a relationship (e.g., spending more quality time with someone you care about).

The point is to realize that you are successful whenever you take a step toward improving yourself and your life, even if that step falls short of the goal you set out for yourself at the beginning of the year. Remember that any step toward change is a successful step.



2. Aim for progress because perfection is impossible.

No one is perfect; experiencing stress, frustration, and sadness are all part of the human condition. You can progress in recognizing and managing these emotions, but it’s unrealistic to think you’ll be perfect at managing every emotion in every situation.

If you are used to feeling sensations of panic for most of the week but notice that you only felt sensations twice in the last week, that’s progress. Realize that you are making progress whenever you practice changing something in yourself; a little bit of progress is better than no progress at all.



3. A slight change in one area can lead to more significant changes in other areas.

One of the points I emphasize in The Promise Wheel, my book on balanced living, is that adjusting one ‘spoke’ or area of your life creates a ripple effect on other areas of your life. For example, committing yourself to a new hobby could lead to an improvement in your physical health. Or improving a relationship in your life might lead to improved mental health.

Don’t be concerned about the quantity of changes you’re trying to make. Instead, focus on the quality of the changes you are making. Sometimes, the slightest change can lead to monumental gains.



Change Can Happen Any Time Throughout the Year

While January 1st can represent a symbolic time for change, remember that change can happen at any time in the year and at any time in your life.


Therapists don’t just get new referrals in January. We get new referrals throughout the year. Why? Because it is never too late to change something in yourself and improve the quality of your life, regardless of the time of that year.


When June comes around (the halfway mark of the year), we can quickly forget the goals, intentions, and resolutions we set for ourselves six months earlier. When that happens, just stop, reflect on yourself, and figure out the next most minor step you can take to start the change process over again.

Then pat yourself on the back for starting over.



P.S. If you live in Ontario and would like to connect with someone to help you identify and support you in reaching your goals, reach out to our supportive therapists and counsellors. They can help you with the process of change.