
How to Self-Regulate Emotions for a Healthier Mind and Body

[message_box title="GUEST POST" color="red"]Today's post is from Tim Wayne of Bradley University. He describes an interesting branch of counselling psychology known as neurocounselling. Neurocounselling essentially combines neuropsychology (psychology of the brain)...

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Strategies for making your marriage work (Part 2)

Strategies for making your marriage work (Part 2)

Marriages and long-term relationships require work if we want them to survive. In my last post I talked about three strategies to help strengthen your marriage. In this post, I'll discuss three more strategies. They are all based on data from a longitudinal study by...

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Strategies for making your marriage work – Part 1

Strategies for making your marriage work – Part 1

Making the decision to get married is arguably the most important decision that someone can make in his or her life life. I’m by no means an expert on the topic. But, what I’ve quickly come to learn is that what makes a marriage work is not just about finding and...

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How to make friends and beat loneliness

How to make friends and beat loneliness

Loneliness is one of the most uncomfortable feelings anyone can have. I remember one of the first times I experienced loneliness. I was 26-years old and had just moved to a new city for graduate school. It was the first time I lived on my own. It was Spring Break, and...

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3 Benefits of Slipping on Your Goals

3 Benefits of Slipping on Your Goals

By this time of the year most people will have already abandoned their New Year’s resolutions. After trying for a few weeks, it’s easy to feel discourage and lose faith that change will happen. We quickly tell ourselves, “I guess I’ll just have to try again next...

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World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day. It's celebrated every year on October 10th. This year, the World Health Organization has identified the theme of "Mental Health and Old Age." The world's population is aging rapidly, and by the year 2050, it's estimated that about 22%...

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5-Insights on Helping Dads Engage with their Families

5-Insights on Helping Dads Engage with their Families

There are many fathers who face tremendous challenges - within themselves and society - when they try to connect with their families. A couple of weeks ago, I had the privilege of presenting at the “Engaging Fathers” conference in Seattle, Washington. The goal of the...

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International FASD Day – When and what is it?

International FASD Day – When and what is it?

This past Monday (September 9th) was International FASD Day. FASD stands for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. This date was chosen to help remind people of the importance of being alcohol-free during the nine months of pregnancy (09/09). FASD - What is it and how can...

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3 Strategies to Prevent “Zoning Out”

3 Strategies to Prevent “Zoning Out”

We’ve all experienced something painful in our lives. The ending of a relationship, the death of a loved one, an experience of failure…the list can go on and on. These painful events are often referred to as trauma, and they can lead us to feel, think, and behave...

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5 Principles of Motivation

5 Principles of Motivation

Last week, I was in beautiful Vancouver Island, British Columbia, facilitating workshops on "Motivation" and "Trauma and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy." The workshops were sponsored by Community Health Associates of British Columbia. This organization does a terrific...

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A powerful tip for managing anger and stress

A powerful tip for managing anger and stress

A few weeks ago, I talked about a strategy I share with my clients for managing anger. This was to respond instead of react. Today, I wanted to share a tip that can be used to manage anger and/or stress (the two often occur hand in hand). It’s about recognizing the...

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