
Explaining Domestic Violence using Feminist Theory

Explaining Domestic Violence using Feminist Theory

In the next few blogs, I’ll be discussing some of the more common theories and approaches used for understanding and treating intimate partner abuse. In today’s blog, we'll look at feminist theory. Feminist Theory and Domestic Violence Feminist theory in domestic...

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What is trauma? 3 important features

I’ve been following the events that have gripped Japan over these last few days. The pictures, videos, and personal accounts from survivors have been dramatic. They have also been traumatic. Witnessing others endure a difficult situation can also trigger memories of...

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Types of Violence in Relationships

Today, I wanted to extend upon my last blog (Feb. 28, 2011) where I wrote about the use of surveys as a means for quantifying spousal violence. The blog discussed how surveys and questionnaires do not always paint the most accurate picture of what happens when...

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Statistics on Spousal Abuse: A Closer Look

In May of 2012, Statistics Canada released their General Social Survey on spousal violence in Canada for 2010. The researchers used data from police-reported data in 2010. As you read these statistics, it's important to keep in mind that they represent data obtained...

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Anxiety: What is it and how can I control it?

Since February is mental health month, today’s entry to discuss one of the most common mental health illnesses: Anxiety. Types of Anxiety According to the Diagnostic Statistic Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth edition) there are approximately seven different types of...

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Addiction from a spiritual perspective.

Addiction from a spiritual perspective.

There are many ways to heal from psychological and emotional problems. One of these ways is to focus on our connection with a Higher Power - however we define it. Today’s blog will discuss the role of spirituality in helping people heal from addictions. "Spirituality"...

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Spousal Abuse: Why does she keep going back?

Today’s blog will move away from theories of addiction. Instead, today’s entry will discuss the topic of spousal abuse. Specifically, I will discuss the factors leading some women to either return, or remain, in an abusive relationship. The final component of the...

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Social Learning Theory of Addiction

Before moving on, I wanted to quickly review the content from previous blogs. I’ve been discussing the different elements of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual integrative model used for understanding and treating addictions. The bio portion of the word refers to the...

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Addiction as a Disease: The Parallel with Type-2 Diabetes

I had planned on writing about the Social Model of addictions - how our socialization and learning contributes to the development of addictions. However, just this past week our newspapers here in Canada announced that Brian Mulroney (a former Canadian Prime Minister)...

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Psychological Model for Understanding Addictions

In my last blog, I talked about the "Biological" or disease model for understanding how addictions develop. In today's blog, I want to discuss the "Psychological" model for understanding the development and maintenance of addictions. In discussing this, it's important...

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Biological Model for Understanding Addictions

In my last blog, I touched upon the topic of addictions. My goal over the next few blog entries will be to describe some of the different theories used for understanding how addictions develop in the first place. The word that I believe best captures these multiple...

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