“Stressed spelled backward is desserts.”
– Loreta Laroche


Around this time every year, I love to indulge in chocolates and sweets—a lot of it.

But then I pay the price not only in accumulating a few pounds but also with a change in mood. I’ll feel guilty for neglecting a balanced diet. I’ll also feel irritable, lazy, and unmotivated to do anything.


So, why do I do it? I think it’s one of the ways I cope with stress. And a recent podcast interview led me to that insight.


How to Stay Balanced During the Holidays


A few days ago, I was interviewed by Brad Moser, a psychologist in Lethbridge, Alberta. Brad hosts a fantastic podcast called “Real Dads.” It’s an educational podcast where he invites guests from different fields to discuss various topics, focusing primarily on parenting.


You can listen to my interview on his podcast by clicking here.


We addressed a few different topics but mainly discussed strategies for staying grounded during the Holidays. Below are some timestamps on our conversation points.

2:15 – My favourite part about being a dad
5:00 – What children can learn from us
6:35 – What the PROMISE Wheel is about and how I came up with the idea
15:45 – Why it’s important to be balanced and grounded during the Holidays and throughout the year
18:50 – How to shift in your thinking about the Holidays
20:20 – Two strategies to cope with grief and loss over the Holidays
24:00 – How parents can stay grounded and balanced during the Holidays
25:00 – Why Christmas was hard for me for a long time
26:50 – Relationships during the Holidays…and how children can help us.


The Holidays can be both Stressful and Joyous at the Same Time


I realize that this time of the year can be stressful for a lot of us. But it can also be a time to relax, reflect, and recuperate.


If you have some time off, take advantage of it. Eat some chocolates – but not too much!

Do something that fills your cup. It’ll help you to deal with whatever stress comes your way. And you’ll be inspiring others to do the same.

