There’s quite a disruption happening in the world right now, but even within this disruption, we can respond with calmness and sensibility.

Here are a few things that I’ve been telling myself to keep me balanced, calm, and sensible.

  1. Keep a balanced perspective. Recognize that most people in the world are not ill, and for those who become infected with COVID-19, the consequences are not dire. Most people end up making a full recovery within a few weeks.
  2. Sources of information (e.g., radio, Internet, television) can make you feel unnecessarily worried, especially social media. Keep an open mind about what you read and hear. Don’t fall prey to Moral Panic
  3. Make use of this time by connecting and catching up. Most people are remaining indoors to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Staying at home makes for an excellent opportunity to relax, reconnect with loved ones, and to work on projects that you’ve fallen behind on. Please take advantage of this opportunity and enjoy it.
  4. Human beings are resilient. History is full of examples of worldwide pandemics. And with every occurrence, we become better at bouncing back.
  5. Everyone on the planet is working together to keep each other safe and healthy. That’s pretty inspiring.


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