I’ve been working from home since March 17th. That’s 30 days as of today. And while some people are using this “quarantine” time to focus on their goals, I’m focusing on appreciating the simple things. Like having more meals with my wife and kids, not having to drive every day, and having a little more time to rest and reset.

But not everyone is focused on the same things.

I just did a radio interview the other day (link below) on the topic of “Working From Home.” The interviewer, Scott Thompson, asked for my thoughts on people who are using this time to achieve goals and catch up on projects.

I think it’s great that some people are using this time to learn a new skill or craft. In fact, focusing on meaningful interests or hobbies is part of a balanced life.

But if there’s one thing I want you to get out of this post, it’s this: Don’t even think of feeling guilty for what you’re NOT doing. Instead, give yourself a huge pat on the back for just being.

This isn’t the time for you to feel guilty about anything. And here’s why:

  • Everyone’s life is different. The current circumstances might allow you to have more free time, but it might mean that someone else has no time (or energy) to spare.
  • Everyone adapts to change differently. You might adapt well if you had to change jobs or move to a different city. But just because you can adapt easily in those circumstances doesn’t mean you’ll adapt easily to the current circumstances. Physical and social isolation can have a profound impact on your mental health. Be patient with yourself and recognize that everyone adapts differently to different situations.
  • Change can be exhausting. Have you noticed how tired you’ve been feeling lately? That’s because stress and anxiety deplete the body’s energy levels. With depleted energy reserves, it’s tough to find the energy to do anything more than what’s necessary.

If the current situation of physical distancing and home isolation is providing you with opportunities to catch up on things, great. Go for it. But don’t feel guilty if you’re not up for it at this moment. You’ll have the energy to fulfill these goals after life returns to some normalcy.

Here’s a link to the radio interview on CHML.