
Why Habits are More Important than Goals

Why Habits are More Important than Goals

Last week, it felt rewarding to finally announce the release of my book, The Promise Wheel. It took me a while to get the book complete and ready for publication. But now that it’s launched, the feeling of accomplishment is greater than I imagined.   I mentioned...

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It’s Finally Here!!!

It’s Finally Here!!!

  Well, it's finally here and out into the world! My book, The Promise Wheel: Psychology for Growth and a Balanced Life is now available on Amazon!!!   As most of you will know, this book has been a long time coming. I started working on this project back in...

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How I’m Practicing Acceptance During the Ukraine War

How I’m Practicing Acceptance During the Ukraine War

Although my day-to-day thoughts and feelings continue to be strongly influenced by the war in Ukraine, I do find myself getting better at accepting them. The ideas I’m using to help me in this regard come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).   Acceptance...

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How I’m Trying to Stay Grounded During the Ukraine War

How I’m Trying to Stay Grounded During the Ukraine War

Over the last week, it's been impossible for me not to read, watch, or think about the war in Ukraine. And when I do think about the war, it leads to dreadful thoughts and images in my mind and heavy, uncomfortable sensations in my body. But I'm sure the physiological...

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How Culture Impacts the Way we Measure Intelligence

How Culture Impacts the Way we Measure Intelligence

February is Black History Month, and for my last post of the month, I wanted to highlight a Black psychologist who made a significant contribution to the field of psychology.   Robert Williams II (1930 - 2020)   When I was an undergraduate at the University...

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Building a Relationship? You Need to Feel This

Building a Relationship? You Need to Feel This

Last weekend, my five-year-old twins were busy writing out Valentine's Day cards for their classmates. As I watched them write, I smiled as I read the messages on the cards. "You're special to me."  "Thanks for being my Valentine's." "A sweet card for a sweet person."...

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What to do When You Relapse on Goals

What to do When You Relapse on Goals

The reality is that no one, or at least no one I’ve ever met, succeeds at reaching their goals the very first time around. Relapse is a Normal Part of Change   Whether you’re a world-class athlete, a psychologist, the CEO of a major company, or a rock...

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Doing the Hard Work of Change

Doing the Hard Work of Change

  So, you’ve been thinking about change (Stages 1 and 2). You’ve even created a plan to prepare yourself for what you need to do (Stage 3). But after all the contemplation and planning, what happens next?   Action and Maintenance: The ‘Doing’ of Change...

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Managing Emotions During a Pandemic

Managing Emotions During a Pandemic

Every month I devote a blog post that deals with parenting. You can read these posts on TWINS Magazine. —— Since the start of the pandemic about two years ago, everyone's emotional state has been elevated a bit more than usual. Elevated emotional states are especially...

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The Key to Being Successful at Change

The Key to Being Successful at Change

I’ve been talking about change for the last few weeks because when January rolls around, many people (myself included) like to think about how they can make the upcoming year a little better than the previous year. And when I reflect on what I want to do for the...

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How to Stop Thinking About Change

How to Stop Thinking About Change

In my last post, I talked about the first stage of change - Denial - which is technically known as Precontemplation. To help you move out of this stage you need to develop discrepancies. Developing discrepancy is when you begin to acknowledge the gaps between how you...

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What to do When You’re in Denial

What to do When You’re in Denial

(Click here to see a video summary of this post.) As I mentioned in my last post, change doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it happen after just one attempt. A person goes through different stages when attempting to change something in themselves, and even after going...

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